Environmental Initiatives

Our Chemicals Division produces chemicals at three sites in Japan—the Saitama Factory (Soka City, Saitama Prefecture), which is the division’s main production site, plus the Otone Factory (Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture) and the Fukushima No. 1 Factory (Hirono Town, Futaba District, Fukushima Prefecture)—as well as SIAM NKS Co., Ltd.’s plant in Thailand; our Building Materials Division produces housebuilding-related products at the Aoyagi Factory (Soka City, Saitama Prefecture).
The factories of our Chemicals Division as well as Building Materials Division are all certified to ISO14001, the international standard for environmental management system, and pursue manufacturing practices that care for the environment, whilst remaining mindful of harmony with local communities.

Chemicals Business

Nihon Kagaku Sangyo Co., Ltd. delivers industrial chemicals to a wide range of industries. Recognizing the importance of proper control of chemical substances and that preservation of the environment is a serious matter of concern shared by the whole of humanity, we promote environmental preservation activities in all areas of our daily business undertakings. As one of its environmental-related initiatives, Nihon Kagaku Sangyo Co., Ltd. acquired international Quality Management System standard “ISO 14001” accreditation on May 29, 2000 through the examining body JCQA. In addition, SIAM NKS acquired "ISO 9001" certification on February 28, 2015, with URS as the examining body.
We will step up our efforts to make contributions to the environment by proactively promoting undertakings to tackle environmental problems that will become ever more pressing issues in the future.

Certified Plants and Offices

Saitama Plant, Otone Plant, Fukushima Plant No.1, SIAM NKS

Environmental Policy

The Chemicals Division of Nihon Kagaku Sangyo Co., Ltd. manufactures industrial chemicals used in a wide range of industries. Recognizing the importance of proper control of chemical substances and that preservation of the environment is a serious matter of concern shared by the whole of humanity, we act with consideration for the preservation of the global environment in all areas of our daily business undertakings. We implement environmental preservation activities in all areas of our business undertakings with the aim of promoting the environmental preservation activities listed below.
  1. We have established an environmental quality system which we endeavor to maintain and improve through the implementation of internal audits and voluntary controls.
  2. Recognizing the impact on the environment of our business activities such as the development and production of chemicals, we set and regularly review objectives and goals within a realistic technological and economic scope to continuously implement environmental preservation improvements.
  3. We abide by all requirements stipulated in laws, regulations and agreements pertaining to environmental preservation.
  4. The necessary education, training, practice, and awareness programs in environmental preservation are implemented to ensure understanding of the Environmental Policy and improved awareness of the environment in all personnel.
  5. As a corporate citizen, we recognize the importance of coexistence with local communities and society and promote activities to contribute to society through environmental preservation and beautification undertakings.
  6. We will proactively disclose our Environmental Policy when required to do so.
  7. The Chemicals Division undertakes the activities below as focal environmental preservation issues to reduce the environmental load.
  • Promotion of energy and resource saving and prevention of global warming for carbon neutrality
  • Promotion of resource recycling and reduction of waste
  • Proper control of and prevention of pollution caused by chemical substances handled by Nihon Kagaku Sangyo Co., Ltd.
  • Procurement of raw materials and components with low environmental load
  • Improvement of working environment in the workplace

Building Materials Business

In the processes of development, design, and manufacture of metal products for housing and heat exchangers, the Building Materials Division conducts environmentally friendly activities at all stages from market use to disposal. Recognizing that preservation of the global environment is a serious matter of concern shared by the whole of humanity, we promote environmental preservation activities in all areas of our business undertakings.
The Aoyagi Plant of the Building Materials Division acquired international Environmental Management System standard “ISO 14001” accreditation on November 26, 2001 through the examining body JCQA.
We will step up our efforts to make contributions to the environment by proactively promoting undertakings to tackle environmental problems that will become ever more pressing issues in the future.

Certified Plants and Offices

Aoyagi Plant

Environmental Policy

The Building Materials Division of Nihon Kagaku Sangyo Co., Ltd. is based in an exclusive industrial zone in the city of Soka in Saitama Prefecture, where it pursues the manufacture and sales of building material products and heat exchangers to realize more comfortable, and safe residential environments.
Recognizing that preservation of the global environment is a serious matter of concern shared by the whole of humanity, we promote the environmental preservation activities listed below to develop environmental activities taking reduction of the environmental load on our company, customers, and society into consideration.
  1. In the development, design and manufacture of building material products and heat exchangers, we conduct environmentally friendly activities in all areas of our business undertakings from market use to disposal and set environmental objectives and goals within a realistic technological and economic scope to continuously implement environmental preservation improvements.
  2. All persons working in or for the Building Materials Division undertake environmental preservation activities, set environmental objectives and goals, regularly review self-management through implementation of internal audits and endeavor to continuously maintain and improve the Environment Management System.
  3. We abide by all requirements stipulated in laws, regulations and agreements pertaining to environmental preservation.
  4. We endeavor to prevent environmental pollution by saving resources, recycling, and saving energy through environmental preservation activities.
  5. All persons working in or for the Building Materials Division are provided with the necessary education, training, and awareness programs in environmental preservation to ensure understanding and full awareness of the Environmental Policy, improve awareness of environmental issues and maintain the Environmental Management System.
  6. To promote environmental preservation activities, we maintain a cooperative partnership with local communities and make this Environmental Policy available for perusal by ordinary citizens.
  7. We set and undertake the items listed below as focal environmental management items with the aim of reducing the environmental load.
  • Promotion of energy and resource saving
  • Promotion of resource recycling and reduction of waste
  • Consideration of environmental problems at the product development stage
  • Procurement of raw materials and components with low environmental load